Application fee
- $320.20 per each regulation
What you need to apply
- A completed regulation form for each of the regulations which relate to your application, details which clearly demonstrate compliance with the objectives of the Building regulations
- A current copy of a certificate of title, showing name of current owner(s) - obtain a copy here
- Full copy of the plan of subdivision and any registered covenants and section 173 agreements
- Comments from nearby property owners - obtain a copy here (112.6 KB)
- A completed sets of drawings, to be signed and dated by the adjoining property owners
- A plan of the subject allotment, adjoining properties and where relevant, the location of habitable room windows, private open space, secluded private open space relevant elevations and sections appropriately dimensioned
- A credit card to make the payment
Please note:
If such information is not present:
- Consent will be refused (if such information is clearly necessary) or
- A flawed decision may be made – for which the applicant is likely to be accountable.
It is an offence under Section 246 to make a false or misleading statement or provide any false or misleading information, so tell the truth.
If you apply for consent we may request further information. If we do, please ensure you are aware of the relevant regulations and guidelines or use a suitably experienced advisor/consultant.
Once submitted, you will receive written advice from us with 4-6 weeks.
This application will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.