Infrastructure and engineering special rates and schemes

Workers building new surface on Hampshire Road

The procedure

The level of preliminary investigation, survey, and consultation depends on the complexity of issues surrounding the proposed infrastructure.

Once our team determines the need for a scheme, a report is prepared for our consideration. We may stipulate further investigation or consultation with affected property owners.

We’ll resolve our intention to declare the scheme. Then provide notice in accordance with the Act, which governs our actions and considerations. Once the procedures contained within the Act have been followed, we may declare a special rate or a special charge.


The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) hears any appeals made in relation to our declaration of a special rate or special charge.


We’ve paid rates for years. Why don’t you provide the roads and drains?

Rates go towards provision of many services. We usually only implement schemes where infrastructure was not initially provided by the original land developer, and so needs to be built for the first time.

Before the Act was changed in 1989, we were able to provide necessary infrastructure by implementing Private Street schemes, Drainage schemes, Half Cost schemes and Separate Rate schemes. Previously we could require property owners to contribute to roads and stormwater drainage construction.

Obligation on land developers, and our ability to stipulate provision of services, has changed. We are now more able to make developers contribute to the cost of infrastructure.

Rates and infrastructure

The amount of the rates paid reflects the level of infrastructure provided. For example, the rates collected from the North Sunshine Industrial Area will generally be lower than another area with all services supplied.

Current special rates and charges schemes

North Sunshine Industrial Area

We have successfully used special charges to fund the construction of roads, stormwater drainage, water mains and sewer mains in the North Sunshine Industrial Estate – across 508 properties. The estimated cost of these works, in 2003, was $18.1 million.

The physical works for all stages have now been completed. Stage 3 is currently on maintenance. The final cost of the works will be calculated once we resolve all contractual and land acquisition matters.

Last updated: 14 December 2023 - 3:13pm