Some documents are freely available for inspection. Others can only be accessed under the Freedom of Information application process.
Documents available to the public
Some of our documents are available to the public and are on this website.
These include:
- The Annual Budget
- The Council Plan
- The Councillor Code of Conduct
- Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- Councillor Gifts Policy
- Council Officer Gifts, Benefits, and Hospitality Policy
- Governance Rules
- Election campaign donation information
If the document(s) you're looking for aren't online, they may still be available for public inspection. Please contact our Customer Service Centre on 03 9249 4000 to ask about this.
Freedom of Information Act
You may be able to access document(s) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (the FOI Act) if there is no law that requires us to make a document available:
- to the public on Council’s website or by public inspection; or
- is available for a fee under another Act.
More info: Freedom of Information
Summary of Personal Interests
The Local Government Act 2020 requires Council to maintain a Summary of Personal Interests. This summary will include personal interests information disclosed in the most recent personal interests returns lodged by:
- Councillors
- Delegated Committee Members and
- Nominated Officers.
Summary of Personal Interests - Council Officers (PDF 11.8MB).
Summary of Personal Interests - Councillors (PDF 30.5MB).
If you prefer, you can also request a copy of the summary from our Customer Service Centres.