This application is for an internal stormwater connection inside the property boundary or on an arterial road ONLY. If the stormwater connection is outside the property boundary please complete a Consent for works within a road reserve application.
When an applicant has applied for a Stormwater legal point of discharge and the stormwater discharge point (connection) is to the Council pit or pipe within the property boundary or on an Arterial Road, this application form is to be completed with the nominated fee below (per connection).
Once this application has been completed, the applicant is then required to contact Engineering Services on 9249 4430 to arrange for an inspection once the connection to Council pit or pipe is prepared (24 hours notice is required). Please note, if the inspection fee is not paid, we cannot make the booking.
If stormwater connection is on Council’s road reserve (e.g. kerb and channel, drainage pit) please apply for Consent for Works within a Council Road Reserve.
Still unsure which consent you require, please contact us on 9249 4430 or alternatively via email.
Drainage responsibilities
Read the Council and private property drainage responsibilities (231.9 KB) document for more information on
- legal point of discharge
- drainage maintenance responsibilities
- your responsibilities
- Council responsibilities
- easements.
Application fee
To apply you will need
This form takes about 5 minutes to complete.