Found a discarded needle or syringe? Please use our Report It system to let us know the exact location and details
If a discarded syringe might cause immediate danger to anyone, you may remove it. However, you must be careful and follow these guidelines:
Find a strong plastic container with lid, e.g. a fruit juice bottle, and place on the ground near the syringe:
- Pick the syringe up by the barrel end only
- Never touch the sharp end
- Never try to recap the syringe or break off the needle
- Take the syringe to the container and place inside
- Screw the lid on tightly
- Never throw a syringe or container down toilets, into gutters or drains
- Never put a syringe put in garbage or recycling bins
- Contact our Environmental Health Services team to arrange for collection of the container.
“Sharpsafe” containers for business
Private businesses in Brimbank can buy “Sharpsafe” containers for $25 each. They're available from our Customer Service Centres. This fee includes disposal. We’ll also add your business to our register.
“Sharpsafe” containers for diabetics
Diabetics or those individuals who require a sharps container can collect them from any one of our Customer Service centres. There are also bins located at Keilor and Sunshine Customer Service centre for disposal of full containers.
If your container was supplied by another organisation you will need to follow their disposal instructions. These are usually printed on the container.
If you are unsure which organisation issued your sharps container, you can contact the Victorian Sharps Disposal Helpline on 1800 552 355.
Alternatively, suitable drop off locations can also be found on the Department of Health website
Please store containers responsibly (away from children and pets).
For more information please speak to one of our Customer Service Officers on 03 9249 4000.