Private functions on Council reserves
Brimbank's parks and open spaces are public land which means you're able to use them for activities as long as it's consistent with our Local Laws.
We're piloting a new Reserve Function Permit for small private parties on reserves where a single marquee, a jumping castle or an organised activity (e.g. petting zoo) is to be set up on Council land.
The new permit can only be issued to the supplier company as the permit holder subject to provision of their Public Liability Insurance and adherence to relevant guidelines.
Apply online or download the application form below:
- Reserve function permit - Application form (DOCX 45KB)
- Reserve function permit guidelines (DOCX 49KB)
If you want to run private functions please choose a district park with onsite amenities (e.g. toilets). Small neighbourhood reserves (i.e. across the road from the family home) lack the necessary amenities and may expose attendees to traffic hazards moving between the home and the reserve.
Personal/group fitness training in Brimbank
If you are wanting to conduct personal training sessions on Council land then you must obtain a permit. Read more at Fitness Training in Brimbank.
Brimbank Events Handbook
If you are wanting to run a public event, please read the Brimbank events handbook (DOCX 1.3MB). It outlines the permit application process, permit requirements under law/ regulations as well as current COVID restrictions and provides essential information for organisers.
Do I need an event permit?
You will need an event permit for a private function, activity or ceremony on council land if it involves any of the following:
- more than 60 people expected to attend
- setting up shade structures, jumping castles and other equipment
- fireworks/firecrackers
- changes to normal parking or road conditions
An event permit for an event/special activity on a reserve will need:
- Event permit application be submitted
- Public Liability Insurance
- Site plan for any structures or equipment brought onsite
- Risk management plan
- Emergency plan
- Other supporting documentation depending on the nature of the event/activity.
Sportsground hire
To hire sportsgrounds for one-off events call us on 03 9249 4000 or email
Hiring non-Council land locations in Brimbank
Brimbank Park and the Maribyrnong River are managed by Parks Victoria Contact Parks Victoria on 13 19 63 for information about the hire or use of areas managed by Parks Victoria.