Our Response Strategy (PDF 2.7MB) has been prepared to assist us in articulating a draft vision for the Western Rail Plan, which includes the Melbourne Airport Rail Link, the Sunshine Super Hub, Melton and Wyndham rail lines electrification and the fast rail to Geelong and Ballarat.
It outlines the processes and projects which will assist us with:
- the need for a response to the Western Rail Plan
- the task and visioning for the investment as a whole
- how to inform a vision and deliver the benefits and outcomes for the Western Rail Plan.
The strategy's objectives are to:
- Advocate for a governance structure involving key Government stakeholders that gives Council 'a seat at the table' to ensure input in planning for, the design, delivery and running of the projects, and associated work.
- Facilitate an open and transparent community engagement program.
- Align organisational resources and investment to capitalise on the renewed interest in further strengthening Sunshine’s role.
- Align Council policies to maximise social, environmental and economic benefit for Brimbank’s communities.
- Foster a climate of investment attraction to benefit precinct, municipal and regional uplift in the domains of social, economic, environmental and amenity improvement for Sunshine and the municipality as a whole.
- Foster improvements to local, municipal and regional sustainability, including through environmental design and development.
- Deliver a truly integrated transport system for the city.
- Upgrade the urban environment and delivery quality places and spaces for people.