Homelessness takes many forms. It includes people living on the street or in cars (‘rough sleeping’), staying temporarily with other households (‘couch surfing’), or living in severely overcrowded dwellings.
In Melbourne's west, Brimbank has one of the highest numbers of people experiencing homelessness. The 2021 census discovered that over 1,500 people are experiencing homelessness or living in severely overcrowded dwellings in Brimbank, making it the fifth highest in Victoria which is an increase of 35% since 2011.
Our role in tackling homelessness
Preventing and responding to homelessness is the responsibility of all levels of government. While we do not directly offer housing or support services, we continue to work with our partners, including community organisations and government agencies, to support the community members experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.
In 2020, we endorsed a research report into homelessness in Brimbank. The report's recommendations have been compiled into an implementation plan. The plan includes actions focused on a range of topics, including advocacy, community education, Council protocols, information provision, and research and data collection.
- Report 12.8 – Homelessness Research Project (PDF 3.03MB)
- Report Card - Homelessness Implementation Plan (PDF 97kb)
In 2023, we provided a submission to the Federal Government's 10-year National Housing and Homelessness Plan. Our submission offers insights into the housing and homelessness landscape in Brimbank, along with suggestions on how all levels of government can work together to end homelessness.
Rough sleeping
Sleeping rough can refer to anyone who is living on the streets, sleeping in parks, or squatting in derelict buildings for temporary shelter. It is not illegal to be homeless in a public place in Victoria.
Our approach to addressing rough sleeping reflects the principles of Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, emphasising the treating of all people with respect and dignity. Wherever possible, people sleeping will be referred to homelessness services for support.
How to respond to rough sleeping
You can notify us of instances where people are rough sleeping by contacting our Customer Service team on 03 9249 4000 from Monday to Friday between 8.45am - 5pm. After 5pm calls go to our after hours service. Alternatively, you can email info@brimbank.vic.gov.au.
If the person is distressed or unwell, appears to be at risk of harming themselves or others and/or is with a child under 18 years of age, contact Victoria Police on 000.
Homelessness support services
Salvation Army - Western Metro Homelessness Services
Salvation Army - Western Metro Homelessness Services
Western Metro Homelessness Services is the primary assessment and intake point for the Brimbank-Melton area.
- Open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
- Preferred contact method: sunshine.iap@salvationarmy.org.au
- Call 03 9313 4300 (option 1)
- 6/147 Harvester Road, Sunshine
IPC Health
IPC Health
IPC Health provides support to people experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness in Brimbank, including primary healthcare, assertive outreach, and case management support.
- Open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
- 0490 382 239
- harh@ipchealth.com.au
- 106 Station Rd, Deer Park
Cohealth Homeless Health and Support Service
Cohealth Homeless Health and Support Service
Cohealth provides support and advice to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in the West, including assertive outreach, drop-in service, and case management support.
- Open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
- 03 9448 5510
- homelessness.communitysupport@cohealth.org.au
- 215 Nicholson Street, Footscray
Bolton Clarke: Homeless Persons Program
Bolton Clarke: Homeless Persons Program
The Bolton Clarke Homeless Persons Program provides a local assertive outreach, primary health response.
- Open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
- 03 8379 4500
Victorian Homelessness Crisis Line
Victorian Homelessness Crisis Line
Speak with a housing or support worker if you are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
- Open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- 1800 825 955
Council to Homeless Persons: Homelessness Advocacy Service
Council to Homeless Persons: Homelessness Advocacy Service
Council to Homeless Person provides an advocacy service for people experiencing homelessness.
- Open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
- 1800 066 256 (free call)
- angela@chp.org.au to schedule a phone appointment
- 2 Stanley St, Collingwood
Salvation Army Crisis Centre
Salvation Army Crisis Centre
Provides after hours information and emergency accommodation for people experiencing an immediate homelessness crisis.
- Open 9am-11pm, seven days per week
- 1800 627 727 available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week
- 29 Grey Street, St Kilda
Frontyard Youth Services
Frontyard Youth Services
Frontyard Youth Services is a specialist youth service located in Melbourne’s CBD that works with young people 12-24 who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness.
Frontyard provides an integrated service model with specialist teams supporting young people to meet their physical, emotional, and social needs to develop pathways out of homelessness.
Our state-wide homelessness access point – Frontyard Youth Services (FYS)
FYS provides information, short-term support and referrals for young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This support can be provided face to face at Frontyard or over the phone.
FYS is the primary means for young people experiencing homelessness to gain assistance with:
- where possible, maintaining current housing
- accessing emergency housing
- accessing support programs and short-term focussed support
- assistance with applications for longer term housing, such as private rental or public housing
- accessing medium-term transitional housing that provides affordable accommodation until longer-term housing is secured.
Our Access Point is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 8pm and Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays from 10am to 6pm. For more information, please call 03 9977 0077.
- Drop ins are always welcome here for housing supports
- No need for appointments or referrals..
Young people experiencing homelessness who are engaged with Frontyard can have a shower, wash clothes, or grab some toiletries, underwear, or socks and charge your mobile. While accommodation may bring comfort to young people left without a home, it’s not enough to stop the cycle of homelessness in the community.
We support an integrated approach, which provides young people with holistic, trauma-informed and healing orientated support. Our services seek to understand the deeper issues that put young people at risk of homelessness to begin with. Through this integrated support we aim to prevent people becoming entrenched the homeless service system.
Centrelink provides drop in, face to face, onsite support 1:30pm-3:30pm Wednesdays.
Circuit Breaker Accommodation Program
Frontyard provides a mixture of on-site crisis accommodation, and up to six months longer term stays. The accommodation is purpose-built, and rooms include ensuites as well as shared common spaces and facilities for young people to access. During their stay, young people will receive assistance with finding longer-term housing solutions and outcomes.
The innovative model provides staffed 24-hour care, access to co-located and integrated services, and aims to disrupt a young person’s experience of homelessness.
Referrals to the Circuit Breaker accommodation program must come through homelessness access points, including the Frontyard (FYS) Access Point located at Frontyard.
Please enquire through FYS Access Point 03 9977 0077 or visit the DFFH website for other homelessness support agencies.
Housing Vic (Department of Families, Fairness and Housing)
Housing Vic (Department of Families, Fairness and Housing)
Information for current public housing tenants, potential social housing tenants and anyone wanting to know about housing in Victoria
For local enquiries
- 03 9229 4100 - business hours
- sunshine.housing@dhhs.vic.gov.au
For general and after hours enquires
Safe Steps
Safe Steps
Specialist support service for anyone who is experiencing or afraid of family violence.
- Open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- 1800 015 188
- safesteps@safesteps.org.au
- Web Chat 9am to 12am, Monday to Friday
Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more.
Inspire Hope
Inspire Hope
Inspire Hope is a local charitable organisation that provides support for disadvantaged people and those living in poverty.
- 0412 425 520
- info@inspirehope.org.au
- Outreach support on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- Lunch provided on Wednesdays at Tin Shed, 309A Main Road East, St Albans and every second Sunday in the car park at Grow Church, 95 Alfrieda Street, St Albans.
Tenants Victoria
Tenants Victoria
Tenants Victoria is a support organisation providing information, advice and legal representation for Victorians who rent their homes.
- Tenant advice: 03 9416 2577 -Monday to Friday 9.30am to 1.30pm
- Social housing tenants: 1800 068 860 - Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm
- Community worker link: 03 9411 1444 - Monday to Friday 9am to 1.30pm
Breakthru provides pathway support services under both Transitional Supports & Initial Assessment and Planning (IA&P) activities in the Brimbank and Melton Local Government Areas.
- Open 8:45am to 5:00pm, Monday- Friday
- 1800 767 212
- hello@breakthru.org.au
- 1 Andrea Street St Albans Victoria 3021
Melbourne City Mission
Melbourne City Mission
Adults and Families:
Melbourne City Mission (MCM) provides support to adults and families currently in or wishing to reside in the western region of Melbourne.
Our services offer case management and outreach support to people at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness to access secure accommodation.
Short-term housing support
MCM provides support to families in immediate need of housing with links to or the desire to live in the local government areas of Brimbank and Melton.
Through the Family Crisis Accommodation Service (FCAS), we provide 6 crisis properties where families can stay for between 6 and 12 weeks.
The service is available to:
- Couples with or without children
- Single parent families
- Pregnant women with or without children
- Sibling groups
- Multi-generational families
During their stay, families explore options for alternative medium to long-term accommodation.
We provide information, advice and advocacy on a number of homelessness issues, including private rental searches and referrals to specialist services.
We can also assist families to complete public housing and Office of Housing Bond Loan applications.
To access this FCAS, you must have a referral from the following access point:
112-122 Victoria Street, Seddon VIC 3011
PH 9689 2777 or Free Call:
1800 825 955 (outside business hours)
Salvation Army Social Housing Service (SASHS)
6/147 Harvester Road
Sunshine VIC 3020
03 9312 5424
Long-term housing support
MCM also assists single adults and families 18 years and over with medium and long-term support.
Through our Adult and Family Homelessness Services (AFHS) we assist people to access stable and appropriate long-term housing and move towards independence.
We can support people who are in, or wish to reside in the western region of Melbourne.
This includes the cities of Brimbank, Wyndham, Melbourne, Hobson’s Bay, Moonee Valley, Maribyrnong and the Shire of Melton.
MCM ensures personalised assistance with case management and Support Workers. Support Workers may refer people to specialist services for family violence, drug and alcohol, mental health, financial and legal assistance.
For accommodation, we provide information on available housing options, including private rental, Office of Housing shared accommodation, community housing and rooming houses.
To access AFHS, a referral is needed by a nominated access point where an IAP assessment is conducted.
112-122 Victoria Street
Seddon VIC 3011
03 9689 2777 or Free Call: 1800 825 955 (outside business hours)
Salvation Army Social Housing Services (SASHS)
6/147 Harvester Road
Sunshine VIC 3020
03 9312 5424
For further information, please call the AFHS Team on 03 8311 5400, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Young people living at home, aged between 12 - 17 years, living in the Brimbank/Melton area. The service is for young people who are using violence in the home, placing them at increased risk of contact with police and the youth justice system; homelessness; substance use; poor mental health; and school disengagement.
How to access Restart
Contact a Restart Worker on 03 9977 0024 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday to discuss referrals to this program.
Referrals to these services can be accepted from young people, family members, community agencies, other Reconnect services, schools, police, Centrelink, Child First services and Child Protection services.
Homes first
Homes first
Homes first provides holistic case management support to people in the Brimbank Melton and Hume Merri-bek regions.
Referrals are received via an access point and allocated to the appropriate Homes First catchment.
Homes First aims to provide intensive and holistic support to achieve housing stability and broader goals. This includes providing referral support for people to deal with any barriers they are facing.
Contact Melbourne City Mission for more information.
Ph: 03 9977 0000
Useful resources
The following offers further information and assistance:
- The Assertive Outreach Network has developed a guide for Supporting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness (PDF, 536KB). It offers information on a range of health, legal, housing and support services.
- The Western Homelessness Network Emergency Relief guide provides a list of support services and resources for people in the West Metro Area of Melbourne (under ‘Practitioner Resources’ section).
- North & West Homelessness Networks is made up of over 200 programs that are funded to provide assistance to people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness.
- The Victorian Council of Social Services is the peak body for the Victoria’s social and community sector.
Contact us
For more information, please contact the Social Policy Officer on 03 9249 4000 or email info@brimbank.vic.gov.au