The Brimbank Quick Response Grants aim to fill a gap in funding for not-for-profit community groups and organisations requiring assistance for emerging or unexpected needs and opportunities outside of the annual Brimbank Community Grants Program timelines.
The Grant is available annually and delivered as part of the Brimbank Community Grants Program.
We will fund projects that align with Council's Strategic Directions. These may include but not limited to neighbourhood projects to raise community awareness of issues such as gambling, homelessness, community safety, and more.
A fund of $63,000 is available to meet emerging community needs based on the following categories:
Establishment Grants - up to $1,500 per grant
Support for new community groups including new Seniors Groups that are permanently based in Brimbank. Applicants can be unincorporated at the time of application but must be able to provide evidence of incorporation and public liability insurance in their final grant's acquittal report.
Examples include: Incorporation and insurance costs; stationery, materials and equipment to support set –up, promotion and recruitment of new members and cost of regular meeting venues.
Apply for an Establishment Grant
Responsive Grants - up to $2,000 per grant
A new grant category, offering opportunities to address emerging community needs across the year. Limiting the amount of this grant category to a maximum of $2,000 each allows for a shorter assessment cycle, faster turnaround time for grant notifications and reduces Council’s financial risk.
Examples include: neighbourhood activation projects, project to raise community awareness on specific issues such as gambling, homelessness, food security, community safety, etc.
Quick Response Grants Guidelines
See the guidelines below as an outline only, which may be subject to change.
Brimbank Quick Response Grants For Emerging Community Needs Guidelines (PDF 2.1MB)
Submitting an application
Applications can be made year-round and will be assessed three times during the year in
- February
- August
- November
Applicants will be notified within 4 weeks of each assessment period.
Projects must
- Start within 6 weeks of notification
- Be completed within 6 months of signing the Funding Agreement
- Acquitted 2 months after completion
Visit Getting help with your grant application for more information.