Formerly the green or garden waste bin, your food and garden organics (FOGO) bin (with the bright green lid) is collected fortnightly.
The following items are accepted in this bin:
- Fruit and vegetable scraps
- Meat, bones, seafood, egg shells
- Leaves, plants, twigs, grass
- Coffee grounds, loose-leaf tea
The following items are NOT accepted in this bin:
- Coffee pods, tea bags
- Kitty litter, animal droppings
- Tree stumps, large branches
- Plastic bags or packaging
Our FOGO collection is an opt-in and payable service. All new FOGO bin orders receive a kitchen caddy at no charge. Store this caddy in your kitchen and empty the contents into your FOGO bin.
If you own a home you can order a FOGO bin (Green Waste in) or call Customer Service on 03 9249 4000 to organise a new service. If you’re renting, speak to your landlord about getting a food and garden organics bin as they need to order it on your behalf.
While garbage (dark green lid) and recycling bin (yellow lid) charges are automatically included in your rates payment, an additional charge will be added depending on the size of FOGO bin you need:
- $99.26 annually for a 140L Green Waste Bin
- $110.97 annually for a 240L Green Waste Bin
There is a minimum requirement of 12 months before you can cancel your green waste service (FOGO) bin.
What happens to FOGO material?
Material is taken for processing at Veolia’s organic processing facility in Bulla. It is placed in a large vessel for 10 days then turned into nutrient rich compost and mulch. These products remain on-site to mature for a few weeks and are then used on farms and gardens.
Keeping food out of landfill is one simple way we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help protect the environment.
Brimbank’s 2022 waste audit revealed that approximately half (50%) of our general rubbish is made up of food and garden organics. Organic material that breaks down in landfill emits methane, a greenhouse gas which contributes to climate change.
Tips to reduce the chance of odours and pests
- Layer food with garden waste. When possible place grass clippings or garden pruning’s at the base of the bin before adding food waste.
- Store your food and garden organics bin in the shade.
- Don't overfill your bin to make sure the lid stays closed.
- Put your green bin out for collection even if the bin isn’t full.
- Sprinkle bicarb soda and a squeeze of lemon juice or eucalyptus/lavender/mint oil at the bottom of your bin and caddy.
- Let hot food cool down before placing it in your caddy or bin.
- Clean and dry your kitchen caddy regularly.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about your FOGO bin, you can reach us at by email or 03 9249 4000.