Our weed control program aims to efficiently and effectively manage the occurrence of weeds across Council-managed land in Brimbank.
Our program is guided by regulatory authorities Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority and WorkSafe.
Our safe working framework for weed control includes:
- Using herbicides in a selective and targeted manner in accordance with the label instructions, product safety data sheets and Council’s Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedures. Safe work procedures are employed, including the use of personal protective equipment
- Avoiding spraying herbicides near child care facilities, playgrounds, kindergartens and community facilities.
Glyphosate Herbicides
Council stopped using glyphosate herbicides in early 2020 in response to community concerns about possible links to some forms of cancer.
The pause was implemented pending any change in position by the Australian health and workplace regulators regarding its continued use.
There has been no change of advice from the regulatory authorities and glyphosate remains approved for use by the relevant Australian health and workplace safety authorities.
Council resumed the use of glyphosate herbicides in 2022 and has adopted what it considers a sensible approach to resume its use, balancing the benefits of using glyphosate along with any concerns relating to workplace and public health and safety.
Council’s current use of glyphosate is subject to the following provisions:
- Resume the use of Glyphosate containing herbicides as part of Council’s suite of weed management practices in a minimal, selective and targeted manner; always following the label instructions, product safety data sheet, safe work procedures, personal protective equipment (PPE) and Council’s OHS policies and procedures
- Avoid using glyphosate containing herbicides near childcare facilities, playgrounds, kindergartens and community facilities
- All staff involved in the spraying of Glyphosate containing herbicides be enrolled to complete the recommended 2-day course required to obtain an Agriculture Chemical Users Permit
- Phasing out glyphosate-based herbicides, if a suitable alternative is available.