The Brimbank Community Profile (PDF 2MB) provides an overview of the 2021 Census data - highlighting the key results for Brimbank.
This information helps you, our community groups, investors, and businesses understand our:
- economy
- education
- demographics
- housing
- transport and more.
Visit the City of Brimbank idcommunity profile website for more Australian Bureau of Statistics data from the 2021 Census of Population and Housing.
Census 2021 Snapshots

Take a closer look at this snapshot of Brimbank's age and culture profile (PDF 178KB).

Take a closer look at this snapshot of data on the health status and assistance requirements in Brimbank's Community (PDF 163KB).

Take a closer look at this snapshot of data on levels of education and types of housing Brimbank's health needs(PDF 108KB).

Take a closer look at this snapshot of income and employment status of Brimbank's community (PDF 80KB).
More data resources
Population and household forecasts data provides projections about our population and household characteristics for suburbs and districts up to 2041.
Brimbank community atlas includes our key socio-demographic characteristics presented as interactive maps. We prepare each map using Census Collector Districts, providing much detail to help identify spatial patterns and trends.
The Brimbank Atlas of Health and Education informs planning to improve the health and education outcomes of those who live, work, or study in our area. The atlas is one result from our partnership with the Australian Health Policy Collaboration.
Brimbank Health and Wellbeing Municipal Scan 2020
Under the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, local governments are required to develop a 4-year Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan that outlines our actions to enable residents to achieve maximum health and wellbeing.
To help identify health and wellbeing priorities we're required to conduct an examination of the data about health status and health determinants in the municipality.
The findings from this analysis can be found in the Health and Wellbeing Municipal Scan 2020 (PDF 3.8MB).