The scope of works for the Electric Line Clearance Management Plan 2024-25 (PDF 3.6MB) is to inspect, manage and maintain clearance of vegetation from
- Powercor,
- Jemena, and
- Metro Trains Melbourne Electricity Networks.
It also includes notification, consultation and negotiation with affected persons in accordance with the Electricity Safety Act 1998 and the Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2020, while maintaining the Council’s tree assets.
The objectives of the plan are
- compliance with Council's Service Specifications
- working to meet compliance with 'Code of Practice for Electric Line Clearance 2020'
- providing a safe working environment for employees, contractors and the general public
- programming of works to comply with service specifications and reduction in notifications received from power companies
- building team and management relationships with distribution companies for vegetation management around power lines
- meeting the requirements and objectives of our Street Tree Policy and areas identified to have vegetation of a significant nature
- to minimise the possibilities of fires.