Information sessions and workshops
Information sessions and grant writing workshops help applicants prepare submissions for review. These sessions cover all aspects of the application process, with an opportunity to ask questions. There is no cost to attend any of the sessions, however registration is required.
Preparing your application
Where to begin
Where to begin
The first step is to read the guidelines for the relevant grant category. The guidelines explain what will and will not be funded, and who is eligible to apply. You must read the guidelines before starting your application.
To find the guidelines, go to Community Grants and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the grant category you wish to apply for.
Watch these videos for guidance and tips on what you need to consider when applying for a Brimbank Community Grant.
Project budget
Project budget
Clear budgets help the grant assessors understand what you will be spending money on.
The budget includes details of all money that will be contributed to the project (income) and all the cost of all the items required for the project (expenditure).
Income describes all the funds and resources that will be required to support your proposed project. Make sure you list the requested amount of the Brimbank Community Grant on the income column of your budget. Depending on your project, you might list other sources of income including funds from:
- Other grants
- Fundraising
- Sponsorship
- Tickets and attendee or participant contributions
- Organisational / personal contributions.
When you are listing income, please note if that money is confirmed (i.e. you already have it) or is to be confirmed (you are still in the process of securing or raising it).
Expenditure describes all costs related to the delivery of the project. When calculating your expenses, make sure to budget for any goods or services you need to deliver your project and include details in the budget line.
In-kind contribution
An in-kind contribution describes the value of goods, services or support that is being donated to the project free of charge. Some common examples of in-kind support include:
- Unpaid staff or volunteer time working on the project. Note: a volunteer may be considered as providing an average of $35 per hour support to a project.
- Donated materials
- Free venue or equipment hire
- Free advertising or marketing support.
In-kind contribution of services or goods should be displayed at the cost price and included in both the income and expenditure tables so they balance out. You can read more about calculating in-kind contributions.
Supplier Financial Details Forms (DOCX 78KB) must be completed, signed and dated by the Contractor/Supplier only.
Assessment process
Assessment process

- Eligibility checks
- First assessment
- Second assessment
- Final recommendations and adoption
- Notifications Councillors and applicants
- Report
Auspice Organisations
Auspice Organisations
What is auspicing?
Auspice organisations help small or new organisations who are not incorporated, or who do not have an ABN, to access grant funds. An auspice organisation must be a not-for-profit organisation, have an ABN and Public Liability Insurance. They accept legal and financial responsibility for the grant if successful. Applications can be submitted directly by groups being auspiced. However, the funding agreement for successful grants will be made between the auspice organisation and Council. The grant money will be paid directly to the auspice organisation. All applications through auspice organisations need to submit an Auspice Organisation Authorisation Form (DOCX 281KB) at the time of grant application.
Public Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance
Applicants are encouraged to include a copy of their certificate of currency document with their application. If the application is successful, Council requires that all grant recipients provide evidence of public liability insurance in the form of a copy of the certificate of currency with adequate coverage level before payment is made. Including the documentation to the application reduces waiting periods for receiving payments. Organisations being auspiced may be covered by the auspice body’s public liability insurance, and so will need to provide a copy of their certificate of currency.
Does my group need an ABN?
Does my group need an ABN?
An ABN refers to an Australian Business Number issues by the Australian Taxation Office. Your ABN must be included in your application. You can read more at the ATO website.
Child Safe Standards
Child Safe Standards
Brimbank Council is committed to being a child safe organisation with zero tolerance for child abuse. Grant recipients who are working with children or whose grant activity involves children (directly or indirectly) have a responsibility to ensure that the organisation complies with current legislation and regulations related to Child Safety. This includes but is not limited to Victorian Child Safe Standards, Reportable Conduct Scheme and Working with Children Act 2005. Further information can be accessed through the Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) website. For further support, please contact Council’s Early Childhood Development Officer on 9249 4753.
Case studies
Case studies
Case study 1
A community group aimed to protect and support vulnerable members who may be at risk from the Coronavirus or impacted by the prolonged lockdowns. To engage the community they planned to provide information via traditional media to elderly members; use their strong existing networks to reach the target groups; and use creative ways to reduce social isolation and build community connection.
The $4,000 funding went towards facilitator fees, promotion, catering, administration and evaluation, small IT expenses, and equipment hire. Some of the outcomes and highlights were: a celebration that enabled the senior members to get together after the two year lockdown that created a stronger connection, learnt how to use the internet and digital devices through this project which helped reduce isolation, and received regular updates and quality information in their own language which was critical to the wellbeing of members.
Case study 2
A community group planned a cultural celebration that aimed to share their rich traditions and heritage, bringing a sense of hope and belonging to the community. The $8,000 funding was used for hiring equipment, performer fees, advertising, live streaming and video editing expenses. The event reached more than 160,000 people online and had more than 5,000 participants from Brimbank. The event created opportunities for local community to participate in event organisation and training, and showcased their rich tradition, heritage and shared their cultural values with the broader community, cultural exchanges within communities creates a better understanding of each other.
Case study 3
Young people’s empowerment project that used a holistic approach to improve mental health and wellbeing that included developing participants’ capacity and skills through mental health training. They also developed partnerships with varying professionals to identify appropriate responses to a range of needs and issues for the target groups. Planned approaches included: drop in weekly after school sporting activities, targeted programs delivered at schools based on needs, bi-monthly information sessions on mental health topics, and monthly attendance by specialist mental health and youth service professionals. The $10,000 funding was used for materials and equipment, facility hire, facilitator fees, and school holiday program fees. The project provided a safe and engaging space for young people to connect with each other, reduced isolation and boredom, provided opportunity for young people to join local soccer clubs and access employment opportunities, and learn about mental health and wellbeing. Eight volunteers were involved with 50 young people from Brimbank participating in the project.
Case study 4
A group of five community members received funding of $1,500 under the Establishment Grants to set up an incorporated community group. The funding was used to purchase public liability insurance coverage for 12 months, for incorporation registration with Consumer Affairs, and for tea and coffee at meetings. In collaboration with a local neighbourhood house the group was able to access a meeting room bi-monthly. Group members have increased to 20 after being incorporated. With support through community training, the group is planning to apply for a grant to host a Mothers’ Day celebration.
Sample answers
Sample answers
As examples only, please review these samples of possible ways to answer key project application questions.
View sample answers (PDF 211KB)