Building permit information

Building plans with a industrial tape measure, ruler, pen and miniature model of a house

Before you start building

A building permit is required when you construct, extend or modify a structure and must be obtained before starting any works. The building permit is consent from a registered building surveyor and includes:

  • certifying your plans have been checked and comply with building regulations
  • identifying the main stages of building work that must be inspected to ensure compliance with the approved drawings
  • providing for a final inspection to determine whether the building is suitable for occupation.

Some minor works are exempt from a building permit, common examples or works that are exempt from are included in the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) Building permits and other exemptions. Please note: even if a building permit is not required for some minor work, the owner of a building or land must still comply with building regulations.

Our Building team provides a wide range of services and can help you with:

  • Information about pool fencing
  • Maintenance of fire safety equipment
  • General and technical advice
  • Property information
  • Copies of plans
  • Building complaints
  • Council Reports and Consent applications

You might also need a planning permit for your proposed building work (including antennas, carports, fences, garages, masts and the removal of vegetation).

Before starting any building works, alterations, additions or demolition work, we suggest you check to see if you require a permit. You can do this by contacting Building Services 03 9249 4000


      Additional resources

      Information sheets

      Other forms and applications

      For Inspection of shop fitout and subdivision of existing building information please contact Building Compliance on 03 9249 4000.

      Being an owner-builder

      An owner-builder is a person who constructs or renovates a domestic building on their own land, who is not in the business of building.

      Things to think about before becoming an owner-builder:

      • in Victoria, an owner-builder can only build or renovate one property every five years and must intend to live in the property once completed.
      • if the value of the proposed domestic building work is more than $16,000 (including labour costs and materials), you must apply for a certificate of consent from the VBA to become an owner-builder.
      • if you sell your home after carrying out building work valued at more than $16,000, you continue to be liable for any defective works for six-and-a-half years from the completion of the work.
      • you must purchase domestic building insurance before entering into a contract to sell your property. This insurance covers future owners for defective works if you die, disappear or become insolvent.
      • you must get relevant planning permits from your local council, and be named as the owner-builder on permits.
      • it is your responsibility to ensure that the work meets building regulations, standards and other laws.
      • you must arrange for building inspections as required by law at particular stages of the building work.

      Government Departments that provide further assistance

      Satellite Dish

      A satellite dish is a circular dish used to send and receive radio frequency communications. The design, location installation and operation must be in accordance with the principles set out in Section 4 of the Code of Practice for Telecommunications Facilities in Victoria.

      Residential Zones

      A planning permit is generally required to use land for, or to construct or install, or carry out works for a satellite dish.

      Exemptions may apply if the diameter of the dish is:

      • Less than 1.2 metres

      • Between 1.2 metres and 2.4 metres provided it is:

        • not visible from the street (other than a lane) or a public park;
        • setback from side and rear boundary 1 metre, plus 0.3 metres for every metre of height over 3.6 metres up to 6.9 metres plus 1 metre for every metre of height over 6.9 metres. (The height measurement of the satellite dish is from the highest point of the dish to ground level);
        • setback at least 3 metres from the boundary where it is opposite an existing habitable room window.

      Business Zones

      A planning permit is not required if the relevant building and works requirements are met.

      In a Business Zone a satellite dish may be greater than 1.2 metres, but not greater than 1.8 metres in diameter if:

      • The dish is located on an existing roof or structure;
      • The highest point of the dish does not exceed 4 metres above the roof to which its base is attached; and
      • Any dish on the street façade is flush mounted.

      If the dish is not flush mounted and the highest point of the dish is more than 3 metres above the roof, then the dish must be set back at least 2 metres from the outermost wall of the building.

      The satellite dish may be greater than 1.8 metres, but no greater than 2.4 metres in diameter if the facility is not visible from the street.

      If these requirements cannot be met, you will require a permit.

      Properties in Heritage Overlays

      If your property is located in a Heritage Overlay, a planning permit is always required regardless of the size of the dish.

      Applying for a Planning Permit - Satellite Dish

      The following information must be submitted with a planning application for a satellite dish:

      • Completed planning application form;

      • The prescribed application fee;

      • A recently searched (not more than 3 months old), full clear copy of Title including owner details, site dimensions, restrictions and/or covenant details/Section 173 agreement; and

      • A written submission clearly documenting the reasoning behind the locations and positioning of the dish.

      All applications must be accompanied by 3 sets of plans. Plans must be drawn to a metric scale of 1:100 or 1:200.

      Last updated: 30 May 2024 - 6:45pm