Social support groups

Brimbank residents laughing together on a park bench

Social support groups and Centre-Based Respite

Social outings and social support groups that provide opportunities for people to socialise and interact with others away from their home, in community and centre based settings are available to older people living in Brimbank, who have been assessed as eligible to receive subsidised aged care services 

Eligible individuals aged over 65 interested in joining these groups and activities can select a provider through My Aged Care.

Every provider is different. You can look for providers who cater to specific health conditions, communities, cultures, faiths and languages. It’s good to compare what is available to determine the best match for you.  

If your service was previously provided by Brimbank City Council, your service was transitioned to the following Commonwealth Government appointed service providers: 

You can read more about the changes to our services by visiting the following pages:  

Last updated: 3 December 2024 - 9:14am