Amendment c219brim - Heritage Overlay Updates

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 13 December 2022, Council considered Amendment C219brim to the Brimbank Planning Scheme and subsequently endorsed the recommendations of Council officers to request authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit proposed amendment. To learn more please refer to the 13 December 2022 Council meeting agenda.

About the Amendment

Amendment C219brim, seeks to address a number of heritage gaps and follows on from previous heritage work undertaken by Council as part of a previous planning scheme amendment (Planning Scheme Amendment C200brim). For more information on Amendment C200brim click here.

Specifically, Amendment C219brim seeks to:

  • Update the existing Heritage Overlay HO151 (Grand Junction Estate and Matthew’s Hill Precinct Sunshine) as follows:
  • Apply permanent heritage controls to 17 Robinson Street, 49 and 81 Parsons Street and 81 Monash Street, Sunshine with a ‘contributory’ heritage grading.
  • Remove 15 Servante Street, Sunshine from the Precinct.
  • Introduce heritage design guidelines for the Precinct.
  • Apply a new Heritage Overlay (HO153) to part of the land at 134 Hampshire Road, Sunshine containing a significant ‘Quonset Warehouse’.
  • Apply a new Heritage Overlay (HO154) to 52A, 1/56 and 67 Derrimut Street, 1/11 Dubbo Street and 32 Selwyn Street, Albion and 15 Servante Street, Sunshine which contain significant ‘Beaufort Homes’.
  • Update Clause 22.01 (Brimbank Heritage Policy) of the Brimbank Planning Scheme to include local policy that guide development involving the relocation of heritage buildings and structures.

Current Status

Amendment C219brim was lodged with the Minister for Planning for authorisation on 20 December 2022. The request is currently under further review by the Department of Transport and Planning and Council is awaiting a determination.

How do I find out more about the Planning Scheme Amendment process?

You can find general information about the Planning Scheme Amendment process including who can amend the planning scheme here.

Contact us

For queries about the Planning Scheme Amendment process and Amendment C219brim please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Department on  03 9249 4000 or

Last updated: 14 December 2023 - 3:47pm