The Social Justice Charter (PDF 1.1MB) (the Charter) sets out our commitment to being a leader in social justice.
It affirms Council’s commitment to the principles of access, equity, participation and human rights, with the aim to create a more just society where difference does not lead to disadvantage.
The Charter provides a mandate to embed these principles into our policies, strategies, plans, programs and services. In doing so, it ensures that Council’s planning and decision making complies with its obligations under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.
The Charter was first adopted in 2008 and updated in 2018.
The Brimbank Social Justice Coalition is a key stakeholder group supporting the implementation of the Charter.
2021-22 Federal and State Budgets
The 2021-22 Federal and State Budgets were handed down in May 2021. They provide an indication of national and state priorities for the coming year and beyond.
View Brimbank Federal and State Budgets report (PDF 0.9MB)
Council has prepared a report which assesses the 2021-22 Federal and State Budgets in terms of their implications for social justice in Brimbank. The report identifies a wide range of relevant program and funding opportunities, while also highlighting gaps that provide the basis for new and ongoing advocacy.
Follow our progress
During 2020-21, Council undertook a range of activities to support the implementation of the Brimbank Social Justice Charter, including:
- coordinating the Social Justice Coalition’s Strategic Implementation Group, which brings together leaders from local agencies to plan, lead and advocate on social justice issues
- delivering the 2020 Brimbank State and Federal Budget Forum, which featured keynote presentations from the Hon. Wade Noonan (WoMEDA) and Emma King (VCOSS) and provided an opportunity to assess government budgets against Council and community priorities
- undertaking research and advocacy that responds to key social justice issues, including social and affordable housing, homelessness, income support, and gambling harm prevention
- convening the Brimbank Community Resilience and Recovery Working Group to support service coordination, recovery and advocacy, and to provide a vital link to local services and the wider community in response to the COVID-19 crisis
- promoting social justice-related events, activities and news to the Brimbank community through the Brimbank Social Justice Coalition.