Executive management


Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for carrying out the decisions and policy of the elected Council and overseeing the day-to-day operation of the organisation with help from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).

Chief Executive Officer - Fiona Blair

Fiona is a highly regarded leader in local and state government, with extensive experience as a senior executive. She was recognised for her leadership in the inaugural Top 50 Public Sector Women award in 2017.

Fiona is committed to making a difference by working with the community, councillors and staff to continue to deliver high-quality services and infrastructure across the city and is passionate about building a customer-focused culture that will serve the Brimbank community well, both now and into the future.

Her skills and experience span across all areas of Council service planning and delivery such as youth and recreation, capital works, parks and open space, asset management, enforcement, operations and transport.

Fiona holds qualifications in Business (Masters of Business Administration) and is an Australian and New Zealand School of Government Executive Fellows program graduate and has completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors course.

Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

Director, People, Partnerships & Performance - Georgie Hill

Georgie is passionate about making a difference in communities across Melbourne’s western suburbs. She has extensive leadership experience across local and state government and in the not-for-profit sector.

Over the last 20 years, Georgie has worked across a range of portfolios with a focus on policy development and implementation, program delivery, service and infrastructure planning, relationship and stakeholder management, governance and change management. 

Georgie is responsible for leading Council’s strategic advocacy, communications and community engagement, governance, customer experience and corporate performance.

Georgie has a Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Certificate in Policy and Human Services and has completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course.

Director, City Futures - Kelvin Walsh

Kelvin is an experienced Director, who has worked in fields such as Planning, Urban Design, Business Development and Place Making in Australia and overseas. He has experience in local and state government and the private sector.

Kelvin has qualifications in Planning, Architecture, Urban Design and Culture, and he recently completed a Master of Public Administration degree. His brief at Brimbank is to create great places where people want to live, raise their families and participate in active community life. Kelvin has a passion for the west, particularly Brimbank and its exciting transformation.

Director, Community Wellbeing - Lynley Dumble

Lynley is an experienced local government professional who has worked in Melbourne’s West for over 20 years.  

Her areas of focus have included social policy analysis and development, public health research, community engagement, strategic advocacy, community infrastructure planning, family, youth and children services, arts and cultural development, stakeholder management and community capacity building programs. 

Her professional experience is balanced with academic studies - Masters of Public Health and Graduate Diploma Health Promotion.

Director, Infrastructure and City Services - Chris Leivers

Chris is a highly respected leader in local government and brings extensive experience having worked at , Maribyrnong, Merri bek and more recently Yarra council where he was Director of Community Wellbeing for four years before moving to the Director City Works and Assets in 2017 he was also interim CEO at Yarra for 7 months in 2022. His experience in managing complex projects, infrastructure and asset services, capital works, youth and community services is significant. Examples of work that Chris has led include:

  • Providing leadership and direction during the planning and delivery of infrastructure design and delivery at the YarraBend site. YarraBend is a 16.5 hectare former industrial site that has been developed into a world-class sustainable suburb of approximately 2,500 dwellings, 20,000m2 of retail and commercial area, and supporting civil and community infrastructure.
  • Introducing and leading a range of initiatives and integrating sustainable thinking into all areas, including; leading the transition of the Councils fleet and plant to lower emissions, using hybrid, electric and hydrogen vehicles and plant (including passenger fleet, tipper trucks, heavy plant, mowers, concrete cutters, and hand tools)
  • Making Yarra a Smart City. The establishment and development of Yarra City Lab – an internal consultancy model established to support and assist Yarra to become a Smart City, promoting the use of data and technology to support good decision making and delivering a range of Smart City initiatives.

Chris is an authentic, collaborative, and purposeful leader, with a deep commitment to providing the best community outcomes and supporting and developing staff. He is known for developing innovative, flexible, collaborative, and accountable leadership teams that promote a positive culture, and support equity and high performance.

Bachelor of Business, Graduate Diploma in Accounting, CPA.

Director, Corporate Services - Mark Stoermer

Over his 40 year career, Mark has worked in finance, accounting, IT and local government.  He has been a CEO at two shires and recently came to Brimbank from the Wyndham City Council where he held a similar role.

Mark is passionate about local government and the direct impact it has on our community.  As a recent addition to the Executive Team and as an internal service provider, he is keen to build a customer focussed Corporate Services team that supports the organisation in delivering services to the community.

Mark is a native Californian who moved to Australia in the 1990s and has happily settled here in the West as a proud Australian citizen.

Last updated: 9 December 2024 - 1:54pm