About We Are Brimbank Awards
We Are Brimbank Awards celebrate the exceptional contributions of individuals, groups, businesses and organisations making a positive impact to our vibrant community.
We've been celebrating our community with these awards since 2018.
Nominations for the 2025 We Are Brimbank Awards are now open.
Award criteria
We seek individuals, organisations, and groups that:
- Exhibit strong leadership and serve as inspiring role models, setting positive examples for the community.
- Make exceptional contributions that significantly impact the community.
- Lead programs and initiatives that deliver tangible benefits and successes for the community.
While most awards recognise both individuals and organisations, the Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year Awards specifically honor outstanding personal contributions to the community.
Eligibility criteria
For individuals
- To be eligible for Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year the nominee must be an Australian citizen.
- To be eligible for other award categories excluding Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year, the nominee must be a resident of Brimbank and have permanent Australian residency.
- Nominee must have significantly contributed to the Brimbank community.
- Self-nominations and paid employees will not qualify for Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year.
- Individual nominee contribution to the community can be within the last year and/or over a number of years.
- Previous category winners are ineligible to apply for the same category that they won the previous year.
- Current and previous Councillors cannot be nominated (within five years since serving as a Councillor).
Community groups and businesses
- Businesses must be registered and based within Brimbank with a valid ABN, or be a not-for-profit or incorporated organisation.
- Nominees must have significantly contributed to the Brimbank community.
- Community groups, not-for-profit or social enterprises are encouraged to self-nominate if they have delivered a program/activity enhancing the wellbeing of the community in Brimbank which is relevant to the nomination category.
- Nominees' contribution to the community can be within the last year and/or over a number of years.
- Previous category winners are ineligible to apply for the same category that they won the previous year.
- Nominations will not be accepted from groups or businesses wholly or partly owned by Brimbank Councillors (within five years since serving as a Councillor).
All nominations will be assessed and finalists determined by a panel of judges.
Our judges are looking for concise answers that are relevant, accurate and honest. They are wanting to get an understanding of the business principles and practices.
For example: Give an overview of the project/initiative you are nominating – including its purpose, community benefits and successes.
Announcement of winners
The winners of the 2025 We Are Brimbank Awards will be announced at a special presentation event during the National Volunteers week in May 2025.
More information
Contact our Civic Events team via email on CivicEvents@brimbank.vic.gov.au for more information.