Planning Objection - Online Form

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Unhappy or happy with a planned development? Then it’s your right to let us know. It’s really important to review and make sure you understand what is being proposed in an application before you make an objection to it or you wish to support it.

Supporting a proposal

If you wish to offer support to a proposal, email and include the planning application number and address of land, your name, address and reasons for support. Do not fill in the form below as this is only for objecting to a proposal.

Objecting to a proposal

The below form helps ensure your objection complies with the Planning and Environment Act 1987.  You should allow 4 minutes to complete the form.  Here’s what you will need: 

  • Some good reasons for your objection; clearly tell or show us how you will be affected if a permit is granted.
  • If your objection relates to an effect on a property other than where you live, you will need the details of that property and how you are related to it.
  • A valid email address so we can keep in touch.

If you object before the responsible authority makes a decision, they will tell you their decision. Any objection received will be placed on the public file associated with this application and will be available for inspection.  This includes your name and contact details (Council is required to make this information available under s57(5) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987).

Some applications are reported to the Planning Forum and we might ask you if you wish to speak at the Forum to expand on your concerns.  We’ll let you know if there is an opportunity for this.

What is the planning application number?
Find Permit

Application not found

Oops! That number might be wrong. Visit current advertised plans to find the application number.

If you can't find it, its likely the advertising period is over. Call us on 03 9249 4000 if you have any questions. 

Last updated: 10 July 2024 - 5:10pm