If you are starting a business from home, you will need to meet local requirements and obligations for home-based businesses.
You can only have one employee that does not reside at that address on site. You also need to make sure there is adequate separation of domestic and business activities, such as a suitably fitted out spare room or garage.
Do I need a permit for my home business?
Your business may require one or more permits and registrations to meet local requirements.
If you're unsure what approvals you need, we recommend that you view our Business Permit Information page
This will allow us to help you identify the necessary steps you'll need to take to start or grow your business.
Planning permit
You will need to apply for a Planning permit if you don't meet all of the requirements listed for a Home Based Business (PDF 603KB).
Building permit
Some home occupation activities can be run from your house with minimal disruption and so don't require a building permit.
You'll need a building permit if you intend to:
- change the use of a building or
- make significant structural change.
Impact on surroundings and residents
Your home business activities cannot adversely affect your neighbours.
As you develop your home occupation, you must consider the impact it may have upon surrounding properties including:
- noise
- odour or
- other emissions.
There should not be a negative impact on the surrounding area from items such as:
- waste bins
- mechanical exhaust vents
- air-conditioning units and
- lighting.
Annual fee
Premises that are required to register with us must pay an annual fee. The fee depends upon the type of business activity. The period of registration is from 1 January to 31 December each year.
Contact us
For more information, please contact our Environmental Health department on 03 9249 4000, or email info@brimbank.vic.gov.au.